Modelithics Welcomes Dalicap as Sponsoring MVP
Tampa, Florida (February 14, 2024) – Modelithics®, the leading provider of RF/microwave simulation models, is pleased to welcome Dalicap, into the Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) program at the Sponsoring level. Dalicap Technology Co., Ltd. has become one of the global leading suppliers in the industry of RF/microwave capacitors. Dalicap specializes in RF/microwave MLCC, single-layer ceramic capacitors, thin film circuits, etc. With the advantages of excellent performance of products, quick delivery, and prompt service, Dalicap products are widely used in semiconductor equipment, MRI, telecommunication infrastructure, broadcasting, and testing instruments industries. In collaboration with Dalicap, Modelithics has developed new substrate- and part-vale[1]scalable Microwave Global Models™ for Dalicap 0603-size DLC75P, 0805-size DLC75D, 0505- size DLC70A, and 1111-size DLC70B MLCC capacitors. The Modelithics non-linear models are available within the Modelithics COMPLETE Library, which is an indispensable collection of simulation models for all types of passive and active RF and microwave devices engineered to enable designers to go from concept to product faster and easier. The Modelithics COMPLETE Library is available for Keysight Technologies’ PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS), Keysight Technologies’ PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys), Cadence® AWR Design Environment®, and other simulators. For a free trial, please visit Through the Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) program, FREE 90-day use of Modelithics models for Dalicap components will be available. For more information or to request free use of the Modelithics models for the Dalicap MLCC capacitors, please visit